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Best Detectors For Dry Beach and Saltwater Beaches

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You seem like someone who has a keen eye and a thirst for exploration. If I’m correct and you like long walks on the beach searching for lost treasure, then this article is for you. If you’re going to turn someone’s lost items into your own personal treasure hunt, then you’ll need to know what to do, how to do it, and where to do it.

Thankfully, I’ve got you covered. Treasure hunting has become a very popular hobby, but to become a pro you need to know the differences in where to search to maximize your experience. Should you hunt on a dry beach or on a saltwater beach?

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You may find you’ll have more luck on dry sands than saltwater because a dry beach is a more natural playground for the eager explorer. Saltwater beaches tend to require specialized equipment and can come with some difficulties you wouldn’t experience on a dry beach.

A little overwhelmed? It’s alright, we’ve got you covered. By the end of this article you’ll have all the information you need to dive deep into your new hobby and come up with something spectacular!

Dry Sand VS Saltwater Beaches:

One of the benefits of dry sand is that it is more comfortable to navigate and requires a less specialized metal detector to hunt with. While saltwater magnifies the effect of minerals present within the soil, which can transmit false signals to the sensor. This can confuse your average detector and leave you digging up pretty pointless finds.

The majority of detectors come with predefined settings and ranges which are referred to as ground balance functions. These may force the indicator to register these minerals as possible treasures and will beep occasionally because of it. This can make it incredibly difficult to find actual treasure and waste your time on the beach. This is not optimal.

To hunt effectively on a saltwater beach you’ll need a special detector that essentially ignores these minerals giving off false signals. But what metal detectors should you be considering for this? We’ve given you the low down on what features to look for and which detectors offer them so you can be prepared for your next saltwater beach day.

Features to Look For

When considering a specialized detector for saltwater hunting, it is best to pay close attention to what features will benefit you and your hunt most effectively. There are a couple different categories you should check off when considering a new detector.

Detector Technology

The most common technology that you can find in a detector is VLF technology. This is easy to find, cost-effective, and the best option for a dry sand beach or land hunt. It typically comes with an automatically defined ground balance, but advanced versions will let you manually adjust settings for optimal use.

VLF technology may also be found in multi-frequency detectors, which allow you to tune into more than one frequency. This can alter your search to your specific needs which is always helpful. These detectors work well under all conditions, but may be a bit more strained on a saltwater beach.

Pulse Indicators (PI) are another great technology that allows a detector to ignore the signals received from ground minerals. This makes it far easier for a hunter to get the treasure he’s looking for without any interference or time wasted.

This technology is what you’re looking for to help navigate a saltwater beach more effectively as they can identify smaller targets. They may not be your first choice however, as they are sensitive to iron trash and come at a higher price. But, dependent on your needs it may just be worth the investment.

Water Resistance

Knowing your detector’s specific sensor weather-ability is also highly important. You should know if it is weatherproof, waterproof, or submersible, as it can greatly limit your device’s abilities.

Having a submersible device is a strength as it allows you to use it underwater without worrying about possible mechanical failure. There of course is a limit to how much water your device can take, but that information should be available on your detector. This way you know how far you can take your advice without the possibility of breakage.

A waterproof device is important for the durability of your device as it can cost a lot of money to replace once it eventually breaks down or wears out. Investing in a waterproof detector may save you more money in the long run.

Coil Size

If you are searching for smaller targets, a smaller coil size will likely be more efficient in conducting your search. A bigger coil size can help you cover more ground and find larger targets. The only downside to a bigger coil is that it attracts unnecessary elements and is often heavier in weight, which can make it a huge hassle to lug around on the beach.

Whatever coil size you choose is greatly dependent on where you are hunting and what you are hoping to find. It is best to evaluate exactly what your needs are before choosing a detector as you don’t want to invest in a more expensive device if it isn’t necessary for you.

Sand Scoop:

Your day hunting for buried treasure should be filled with fond memories and exciting discoveries. The last thing you want to return with is back pain from a successful day and to be able to dig out your treasures you’re going to need a proper tool to do that with. Our recommendation; a sand scoop.

You can choose from a metal scoop or aluminum, depending on how you’ll use them. For a dry beach you’ll want something less heavy duty than what you might need for a saltwater beach. Wet sand tends to be heavier than dry so you’ll need something that can withstand.


Background noise can be a real bummer if you can’t hear the sound your device makes when it finds something. You’ll need ones that cancel out the noise of talking and waves so you can pay attention to what’s important. We also recommend something waterproof, for the obvious reasons.

But Which Detector Should I Buy?

Now that you know what features to look out for, how can you decide on a detector? Well here are a few options that we’ve gathered as suggestions to meet whatever specific needs you have.

Garrett ATX

The Garrett ATX Deepseeker uses PI technology, which makes it suitable for extreme conditions. This means it is a perfect pick for saltwater beaches. With the high depth feature, you can hunt down the smallest pieces of treasure that are available.

It comes in two sizes:

  • Standard: It has a 10”x12” search coil and will help you search relatively deep.
  • Deepseeker: This one boasts a 20” coil and traces targets up to 18” depth.


  • You can easily find deeper targets.
  • Since the detector is water-resistant, you can easily use it under water up to 10ft water level.
  • It also offers magnified ground balance and iron resistance, which keeps it from attracting false signals.


  • Unfortunately, it weighs 5.5lbs, which makes it heavier in comparison to other devices.
  • Higher price.
  • Can’t be used for diving.

Minelab Excalibur II

The Minelab Excalibur II has a dual use so it can be used for land hunts or in the water. It has a high-frequency level that allows it to work in-depth and easily distinguishes between different objects and minerals so you don’t waste your time.

Though it can be a bit pricey, it is easily one of the best detectors for the beach. It has enough features to back up the price and is more likely to last you longer. A higher investment at the time will yield you a more durable result.


  • Has more than 17 different frequency levels, which allow you to track treasures even at the deepest levels.
  • Works both in water and on land.
  • Works well on saltwater beaches.
  • Differentiates between different elements with ease.
  • It offers volume, depth, and sensitivity adjustments.
  • Lighter weight.


Fisher CZ-21

Fisher CZ-21 : This device is all about speed and efficiency. It is lightweight, quick to detect, and has a higher accuracy than some others on the market. It pinpoints the exact location and is all about results. If you are looking for something with a heavy focus on tracking and quick results the Fisher CZ-21 is your buy.


  • The device is faster in comparison to others.
  • You can adjust the volume as per your needs.
  • Pinpoints to a specific direction which makes it easier to track the treasure.
  • You can mount it on your hip and carry it easily.
  • It offers high accuracy in understanding signals and frequency.


  • Cannot adjust the threshold.
  • It has a concentric coil.

Garrett Sea Hunter

Garrett Sea Hunter : Specially designed for diving, Garrett Sea Hunter offers an unparalleled experience to its users. It uses the pulse induction technology to track the treasure up to 200Ft. It offers precision in the detection and keeps away the trash, especially in iron-rich areas. Unlike some of the others, it has three options for use; on land, in water, or diving.


  • Great for diving.
  • It offers a trash elimination feature.
  • It comes with headphones to provide the user with increased hearing sensitivity.


  • It does not offer threshold control.
  • More substantial in size, which makes it difficult for a user to carry on longer searches.


If you’re going to invest time and effort into a hobby like this, you should have the right tools at your disposal. Don’t waste any more time using the wrong tools in the wrong places. Use our guide as a way to maximize your time spent on the beach. Invest in your hobbies, and you’ll yield a greater reward. If these are a little out of your budget, you can click the link to read about some cheaper options.

Jonathan Beal

Metal Detecting has been my thing for a while now. I hope my content helps you guys have more successful hunts!

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